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Player Safety

Our player's safety is top of mind at all times for Tualatin Valley Youth Football League's Board of Directors and our Coaches.  We want to be sure that you have all of the information that you might need to answer questions that you might have or that someone else may ask you.

Here are the important things to know

  • We have a Safety Coordinator on each Rookie Tackle team and Senior Tackle TeamAll tackle teams are required to have a coach, identified on the team roster, who is the Team Safety Coordinator. This person cannot be the Head Coach and should not be an Offensive or Defensive Coordinator. The role of this person will be to ensure compliance on concussion protocols.

  • All injuries are tracked through a TVYFL Injury Tracking App.  This allows real-time tracking of an injury and the circumstances that lead to the injury. This data is then analyzed to identify changes that can be instituted to further reduce injuries.

  • All of our Coaches are certified through USA Footballs Heads up training.  This includes the following key components: Concussion Recognition and Response, Heat Preparedness and Hydration, Sudden Cardiac Arrest training, how to properly fit equipment, proper teaching of shoulder tackling and blocking, coaching 101- learn the roles of coaches and keys to communication with players and parents, practice plan and skill development, and standards for a safer game.

  • All tackle team coaches must be First Aid/CPR certified in addition to their USA Football Certification.

  • All of our coaches are compliant with the new Federal Safe Sports Law passed at the end of 2018.

  • All TVYFL Youth Football Coaches, Board Members and team parents pass an extensive background check that covers all 50 states.

  • All of our coaches are Heads Up Certified and we follow all of the same practice protocols prescribed by the OSAA.  This includes live/contact drills, live practice etc.  Learn more about USA Football and heads up program at

  • We follow All OSAA safety rules including heat index rules, AED on site, air quality, heat and hydration, you can get all information here: